ComicBooks For Kids!,
My name is Eddey and I work at the Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired in Austin. All of our incredible students are blind or with some form of Visual Impairment and some with additional disabilities.
After seeing your website, the students and I wanted to give to our local children’s hospital. Thanks to your support, we were able to visit Dell Children's Medical Center and drop off comic books to the Family Resource Center. The response from the patients and family members we met there was excitement and joy. My students felt proud and realized they were helping someone, who, just like them, has a medical condition they live with.
Thank You,
Eddey & TSBVI Students
And just when we thought we had seen it all, something like this comes along...

These wonderful incredible kids who have limited ability to see, providing the gift of reading and comics to those that do not. It does not get more selfless then that. Thank you Eddy and thank you TSBVI students!
Hey Mark,
We are busy with our summer teen program which includes teens giving out comics to our kids. I have attached a few pics. The one with the single girl is a child that was in the clinic receiving treatment and she was really happy to get a set of comics. The other are three of our teens who were in the surgery visitor area giving comics to kids who have had surgery and their siblings who are waiting in the lounge.
Hopefully, I will have more pics later, but I wanted to send you these while I can.
Many thanks,
Coordinator, Volunteer Services and Programs
East Tennessee Children's Hospital

And from our friends at East Tennessee Children's
The comic books arrived this morning and the staff have been sharing them throughout the hospital~ Attached is my formal letter of appreciation but your timing remains perfect as so many of our patients today were of the proper age to truly enjoy the comic books you so graciously donated!
Have a wonderful rest of summer and we look forward to receiving another shipment come the Fall !
Thank you once again for you kindness and generosity and most imperative making our children feel so good!
As Always!
Coordinator of Child Life
The Salah Foundation Children’s Hospital at Broward Health
1600 S. Andrews Avenue, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33316
ComicBooks For Kids!
Thank you so very much for assisting our pediatric patients who are busy getting well, feel better because of your wonderful donation of comic books! The comic books are marvelous and we will use the volumes as a component in our “Readers Are Leaders” Program which was designed by 2 of our Doctors who prescribe reading to our pediatric patients while they stay with us working to overcome their illnesses. It is our goal to provide each patient with a developmentally appropriate book for them to take home. Your donation will be of tremendous help as we strive to achieve our goal of reaching every patient admitted to our Facility.
The wonderful and much needed collection of the treasured comic books will help to brighten the spirits of our pediatric population. As our children read, your donation helps to inspire them to share their own stories of courage, compassion, reducing the isolation associated with long-term illness with their families, the staff and their peers.
Your donation is so broad based that it reaches all developmental stages which is increasingly important as when hospitalized for a prolonged period of time regression is expected. You have helped promote learning through play which is paramount. Through your kindness you empower us to provide this opportunity for all of our patients.
Thank you does not seem adequate.
The Most wonderful of Summer’s to you and all whom you love ~
With Admiration and Gratitude,
Ann Fogel
Coordinator of Child Life
Moving South to the Salah Foundation Children’s Hospital at Broward in Fort Lauderdale, FL .

At Toledo Children’s Hospital, the kids received trade paperbacks and graphic novels as part of our lending library program.
Our hospitalized children and teens are thoroughly enjoying your donation of graphic novels. We've placed them for easy access in our children's library... on pediatrics..
We'll send you sponataneous photos as our hospitalized hcidren and teens are reading!
With gratitiude
Child Life
Toledo Children's

A couple of months ago, we were approached by the Children's Hospital Association about an advocacy event they were conducting in our nations capital with local lawmakers. Attendees were hospitals, parents, children and other care givers. The request was for our lawmakers to please continue funding life saving surgeries for those families that cannot afford extreme medical care and ongoing lifesaving procedures.
We were asked if we could help sponsor this event, albeit with comic books for the kids.
CB4K believes that every child has the right to necessary medical care.
We were and are honored to be a sponsor at this event.
And on to Washington D.C. to support medical care for kids!
Incredible volunteers helping out and YES! that is our logo on the table!

Hi ComicBooks For Kids!
I just wanted to send along a couple of pictures of a patient that received a few comic books! He was SUPER
excited about them!
Child Life Specialist
CentraCare Health
St. Cloud Hospital
From our friends at St Cloud hospital
We think that smile says it all
From our friends in Michigan -
The League of Enchantment
Previously we have mentioned our friends in Michigan, the League of Enchantment (https://www.facebook.com/LeagueOfEnchantment/).
An incredible group of people who bring super heroes and sometimes villains to children in hospitals within the Michigan area. So when the League asked us to donate some comic books, we didn't hesitate. Look at the smile as this wonderful 4 year old battling Cystic fibrosis, (picture used with permission) is visited at the Sparrow Hospital in Lansing on their pediatric floor.
Thank you League for all that you do!

I took the opportunity to dress up and go room to room handing out the comic books to our patients. It was a fun surprise for our quarantined patients - just meaning, everyone has to stay in their room, and only 1 parent allowed. Thank you so much for donation and the variety. Almost all of the Archie comics were given out.
And from Palm Beach Children's during quaratine...

And thank you Texas Children's for acquiring permission to send this very touching picture to us

Thank you to those at Promedica Toledo Children's Hospital who are sharing the Plant VS Zombies and Avatar books we sent them!
And to the awesome support staff at Carilion Children's Hospital in Roanoke, VA.