Your donation of 50 comic books allows our patients to forget, if only for a moment, where they are, and focus on just being a kid. Your gift works with our care providers, lifting spirits as medical treatments take effect.
Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center

Texas Children's Hospital
sharing the love!

LA Shriners sharing the love!

The comic books are wonderful and I know our patients will enjoy reading them while staying with us and getting better! The mission of your organization is fantastic and we are happy to support you in bringing joy to kids' faces while in the hospital! Keep up the good work!
Shriner Hospital for Children
Mark, what an amazing experience. We can't thank you enough for helping us bring smiles to all the kids that are sick. It was truly an amazing experience that we will never forget.

We were contacted by a wonderful woman who wanted to teach her twins, Courtney and Cooper about giving back. She nominated Stamford Hospital. We contacted the hospital, facilitated the meeting and then shipped mom and kids the comics to personally deliver!
Thank you Cooper and Courtney!

David's Treasure Tree is a special place where all the gifts for the children are kept. Cooper and Courtney were able to open the door and place the comics inside where very soon they will be handed out to the "kids" there!

Our thanks to Belinda at Stamford Hospital for showing Courtney and Cooper the Treasure Tree!

Back in Chicago at Advocate Health, our very own VP of Digital Marketing, Michelle meets with Anna and Gina (pictured). We can only hope that the "kids" have the same reactions in reading the comics that our friend Gina did!!

“Donations like yours are so important for our pediatric patients to receive. Your donations of comic book can assist in helping lift our patients spirits by giving them something fun to do during their hospitalization. Thank You!”
Child Life Specialist/

I just wanted to say thank you for the incredible comic books. I am sending you a picture of two of our teens who were taking our book cart, stocked with comics, to the patient rooms for them to pick their favorite. I feel that these have really increased reading in our patient population. We have had some pretty excited kids over these comics.
Thank you so much for sharing these with our hospital. We are extremely grateful.
Many thanks,
East Tennessee Children's Hospital
After seeing our most recent post on providing comic books to our troops overseas, we were approached by Maria, a local teacher who is trying to promote literacy to her very young students. Recognizing this was not our primary mission, she asked us if we could still help her with a small donation of comic books. ComicBooks for Kids! is thrilled to be able to continue our support of the local community .

Pictured to the right are teachers Maria Z and TIffany H. Our thanks to Maria for sharing the following.

The excitement that filled the room when the comic books were given to the kids is something I will never forget -- we brightened their day while encouraging them to read Maria Z

The comic books have arrived today and we were so excited to share them with our teen patients! Once again, many thanks for your continuous support and help in creating a better, brighter and more exciting healing environment for those in our care at Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children’s Hospital of Chicago.
In the attachments you will find pictures of our wonderful Teen Lounge Activity Coordinator, Katelyn Zilles, expressing her joy upon receiving your gift and putting the comic books out for the teens to enjoy.
Children’s Programs Activity Coordinator
Donation Coordinator
Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children’s Hospital of Chicago

Smiles and happy faces everywhere!
I want to say thank you for what you are doing on behalf of the kids in hospitals everywhere. As you know, after seeing your write up in the Diamond on- line eblast, I wanted to let you know that this was something I knew we had to be a part of in Saskatoon (Canada) to take positive action in our community and continue to fulfill our company mandate of corporate responsibility in a much larger and impactful way than we had been. With your support, we delivered our first group of comic books to the Royal University hospital locally.
But perhaps the most touching event and we cannot thank you enough for your support, was the outreach to the Alvin Buckwold Child Development Program. As you know, the ABCD program is a testing center for children with cancer and other life-long illnesses without cures. Rarely is the prognosis good. This is a place where children and their parents come to take tests and monitor the disease. The process is usually time consuming as they always see more than one doctor and are constantly subject to needles and tests during their visits.
We contacted three of our friends with hearts as big as gold. And last Saturday after significant planning, Wonder Woman, Gamora and Star-Lord armed with comic books walked in to smiles and laughter in a place where that commodity can be very rare.
The children took pictures with the super heroes. We handed out comics. The children and this is important forgot for a moment about testing and were kids again. Some were nervous, others excited by all appreciated that super heroes were there for them.
And the parents looked at us with so much appreciation because what we were doing for their kids touched their hearts. My biggest moment of emotion came when seeing how happy one parent in particular was that her little girl was smiling and hanging out with Wonder Woman like kids should be at her age. My motivations are genuine but I cannot say that this has not done a world of good for me also, it is a beautiful thing when helping someone else also helps the helper, this is a win-win situation that I cannot be more thankful to be a part of.
I don't know if the tears in our eyes were noticeable as we left but I feel no shame if they were. On this day it was more like huge play-date for kids instead of a visit to a hospital. When I approached the director and asked if we could do it again the resounding yes and obvious genuine delight at the idea instilled a sense of fulfillment not known to me and yes, we will be going back! Since the kids return monthly so will we with comics, happy hearts and uplifted spirits.
Mark, I have to tell you, this is what ComicBooks For Kid! has helped create. When you talked and thanked the cosplayers on the phone before we walked in, there were tears in their eyes.
We cant fix the world but we can make it a better place and that is together what we are doing. Mark I cannot thank you enough for creating what you have and allowing us to be part of this initiative.
Lee Pearson
Bridge City Comics and Collectibles
Every once in a while a letter like this comes in....

Special thanks to:
Star-Lord: Austin Streimer
Wonder Woman: Sheri Donegan
and of course Lee Pearson for conducting and managing this event
All images used with consent

You created so much joy...and provided miles of smiles as the children enjoy and explore the artistry and the escapism of comic books!!

Dear Mark,
Oh wow, it’s been over a week and I forgot to email you a note of thanks for the fun Halloween Mini Comics. They arrived just in time to be spookily successful! We had an event called a “reverse haunted house” where the kids decorated and the staff came through and were scared by the kids. It was a lot of fun and I had the comics to giveaway to the patients and siblings helping with the event.
Thank you for your continued support of Texas Children’s Hospital.
All the best,
Catherine Z
Texas Children's Hospital
We hope you enjoy these photos as much as the kids have enjoyed the comic books! Thank you so much for what you do for the kids.
Sharon P
Promedica Toledo Children's Hospital

Pictures used with permission from Promedica Toledo. Names held at their request.

Texas Children's dressing up on Halloween, having fun and passing out comic books!
It was a pleasure speaking with you on Friday! I checked out your website and adore what your organizations does for kids! I loved reading what the hospitals you've donated to in the past had to say about ComicBooks For Kids!
We are absolutely thrilled that you reached out to our hospital, and would be so appreciative of receiving child friendly comic books to take the kids' minds off of being in the hospital. As a smaller children's hospital within an adult hospital setting, we occasionally get overlooked by wonderful organizations such as yours, making us all the more appreciative :)
Mercy Children's Hospital
Des Moines, Iowa

Guess who is getting some comics for their kids?

On behalf of the Children's Hospital at the Medical University of South Carolina and our pediatric patients, I want to extend our immense gratitude and appreciation for your generous donation of comic books.....Donations like yours assist us in recognizing our patients in a positive way and provide a sense of normalcy which is often lost during hospitalization.

Every month there are real life medical situations that come to our attention. Earlier this week, we received an email from the mother of a small child. Mom had heard about our contribution to
MUSC Children’s Hospital where she and her son had been previously and sent us just a simple email.
It said," Hi my 3 yr old son will be at MUSC children's hospital on December 6th, would love to have a comic book for him. He's having another open heart surgery and will be in a few weeks. Thank you so much!!"
In contacting mom, we learned about Gabriel. Gabriel was born in 2014. On the day he was born, mom found out that Gabriel had HLHS (Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome). HLHS is a rare congenital heart defect in which the left ventricle of the heart is severely underdeveloped. Gabriel had his first open heart surgery at just one week old. As of June 16th he has had 5 surgeries. And now he is going back again.
And all mom wanted was a comic book for Gabriel to look at in the hospital.
Needless to say, this story touched our own hearts and we asked mom what Gabriel enjoyed. As such, earlier today, we sent out a box of comics to Gabriel comprising all his heroes and favorites. And these comics are not going to the hospital, they are going to Gabriel's house where he can see what is waiting for him as he recovers.
Gabriel's story can be found on the following facebook page. The pictures and this story is used with his mother's permission.
Sometimes, even a simple thing as a comic book can touch lives. And for Gabriel, he can be a super hero, fight the bad guys, fly on a dragon and while he is recovering, be a little boy super hero.
Real people, real "kids" and a simple thing as a comic book allowing little boys to be little boys again...
A real story about HEART
Gabriel Olivieri age 3
Thank you for sending these comics to my sweet Gabriel. He is home six days after open heart surgery! This brought him lots of smiles. I think what you guys do is amazing. You'd be surprised at what happiness you can bring children , my Gabriel included. It came at a perfect time. I can not thank you guys enough.

And thank you mom for allowing us to share Gabe's story! Additional pictures and more can be found on our Facebook page.
Kids of all ages at Ranken Jordan Pediatric Bridge Hospital are enjoying nearly 400 comic books made possible by the efforts of ComicBooks for Kids! and Mike Hetzler, owner of Comic Book Relief, in St. Charles, Missouri who donated the books for the enjoyment of our patients.
Ranken Jordan treats children with medical complexities, providing intensive therapies to help them build or recover functional abilities during the period after their acute care needs have been met, and while they remain too ill to safely transition home. Reading to and with our kids is an important part of their recovery and development, and, let’s face it, kids love comics!
We truly appreciate the ComicBooks for Kids! Program and the kids want to give a special shout out to Mike Hetzler, whose Comic Book Relief shop has provided thousands of hours of enjoyment at Ranken Jordan.
Thank you, ComicBooks for Kids and Comic Book Relief!
-The Kids and Staff of Ranken Jordan Pediatric Bridge Hospital
And a shout out to a supporting retailer from the staff of Ranken Jordan

Please send thanks from Carilion Children's..We value and appreciate your donation. It can be difficult for a child to be in the hospital and reading a comic book can help them "get out" ad distract themselves from the hospital environment. Thank you for helping the hospital be a bittle better for the kids...
Carilion Children's

Thank you for the incredible comics. I rushed them to our hemo/oncology and chronic clinic where kids have been asking for them the most....Many thanks.
East Tennessee Children's Hospital

I just wanted to send a quick thank you email for the comic books we received. I cannot tell you how grateful our program is for receiving this package as it was suitable for various ages and provided a fun and therapeutic activity for patients and families during their hospitalization. I know that I have used this on my pediatric floor with children who are waiting for a procedure or surgery and have had success in distracting and redirecting their attention with these books to alleviate anticipatory stress and anxiety. I have used this with long term teens who can be hard to engage with and have built great rapport with them over the characters and story line – I have even created bedside activities with some patients where it inspired them to make their own comic book!
I surely appreciate all that you and ComicBooks for Kids does. Thank you again.
K. O.
Certified Child Life Specialist
Pedaitrics Unit 44
UF Health Shands Children's Hospital